Becoming a Member

of the Shiatsu Society


Membership of the Shiatsu Society of Ireland is open to ALL students, graduates and registered practitioners (RPSSI).

Registered Practitioner Members will be those who satisfy the requirements for professional accreditation as set out below by the Shiatsu Society of Ireland and who have paid the annual subscription fee. New practitioners on the day of obtaining their qualifications from their approved Irish college, if they are already members of the Society, can become Registered Practitioners.

To become a member email the Membership Secretary []

Benefits of becoming a Member

  • You will be a member of a professional body that was established in 1989 in order to regulate professional Shiatsu practice and teaching.
  • Access to a block insurance scheme with free 24hr advice line and legal assistance.
  • Discounted access to Shiatsu Congress and other Shiatsu Workshops
  • Listing as Practitioner of the month on the website with promotional facebook advertisement for your practice paid for by the Society.
  • Access to the advertising through the Shiatsu Society website with blog platform and facebook audience from which to promote your practice via blogs and posts
  • Financial Support of Media, Public Relations and promotional activity for the advertisement of Shiatsu.
  • Regular news and updates of Shiatsu news by E-mail.
  • ADccess and information regarding Shiatsu gatherings.
  • Public website, including a listing in the Register of Practitioners if you are a Graduate or RPSSI.
  • Support regarding questions and queries about Shiatsu Practice and Development

The membership form is available by clicking on the link below. The work done by the committee is completely voluntary, so we would really appreciate your cooperation and support. Thank you.

Trained in Ireland or Abroad?

We welcome all Shiatsu practitioners who have trained in Ireland or abroad.

If you are a professional practitioner or a graduate member and wish to become a registered member of the Shiatsu Society of Ireland, please provide the following:

  • Certificate/diploma from a Shiatsu College – following current requirements/standards of European Shiatsu Federation.
  • Present evidence of a professional practice for the year prior to application including:
    a) minimum number of 100 treatments (except in extraordinary circumstances e.g. Covid);
    b) proof of insurance.
  • Copy of your Current Curriculum Vitae

The Shiatsu Society of Ireland will help you arrange a meeting with a current registered member to obtain a letter of recommendation. Please contact us by email to arrange this.

The letter must clearly state that:

  • A safe and appropriate treatment has been received by the member of SSI or ESF etc
  • The practitioner displays satisfactory knowledge of the Shiatsu Society Code of Ethics.
  • The member reserves the right to ask for a second opinion and ask for another member to be involved in the process.
  • In extraordinary circumstances it is possible to meet online.

Continuous Professional Development (CPD)

CPD is a compulsory requirement for all members who wish to appear on the public register.

More details can be found by clicking the link below:

The Shiatsu Practitioner

To advertise as a Shiatsu Practitioner you must have completed a three year (500 hour) training with an approved School of Shiatsu.

There are other forms of Shiatsu such as Japanese Massage and Shiatsu Chair Massage and these can be practiced before reaching completion of the full course.

To offer Shiatsu treatments, you must have fulfilled the relevant criteria.

If you are unsure please contact

Patricia (Society Treasurer) at

Levels of Membership

Outlined below are the various stages of membership.

Registered Practitioners Shiatsu Society Ireland (RPSSI) are members who have completed a Practitioner Diploma and have also completed further assessment by the Accreditation Panel of the Shiatsu Society. They must also complete annual CPD hours (Continued Professional Development) Hours. For more information on the Accreditation Panel please see the Constitution document  €75 p.a.

Graduate members are those who have successfully completed a Recognised Practitioner Diploma course of 3 years or 500 hours which is the level required by the Shiatsu Society. Graduate members must also show evidence of Continual Professional Development. They are listed on the Shiatsu Society site as Graduate Members  €75 p.a.

Student members are those who are students of a shiatsu school.  €35 (first year free)

All the above members can become members of the society and have the right to vote in all matters of the society.

Associate members have an interest in Shiatsu and who do not have a professional practice. They are members of the society but are not qualified and do not have the right to vote in matters of the society.  €15 p.a.

Working in partnership
with Tsubook,
the new Shiatsu App
Featured Practitioner: Christine Keck

Featured Practitioner: Christine Keck

Christine Keck is a member of the Shiatsu Society Ireland and Shaitsu Practitioner based in Bantry, Co. Cork. Originally a goldsmith, Christine moved to West Cork in 2010 and became interested in the healing aspects of both massage and energy work, as well as living a...

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