Featured Practitioner: Christine Keck

Featured Practitioner: Christine Keck

Christine Keck is a member of the Shiatsu Society Ireland and Shaitsu Practitioner based in Bantry, Co. Cork. Originally a goldsmith, Christine moved to West Cork in 2010 and became interested in the healing aspects of both massage and energy work, as well as living a...

Understanding Qi

Understanding Qi

ARE YOU A SHIATSU PRACTITIONER, OR WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE ONE? WHY NOT JOIN THE SHIATSU SOCIETY OF IRELAND? There are many benefits from becoming a Shiatsu Practitioner, both as a practitioner and as a client of Shiatsu. If you are interested in becoming a Shiatsu...

Shiatsu & Helen Keller

Shiatsu & Helen Keller

Shiatsu & Anma Shiatsu bodywork was made popular in the twentieth century by Tokujiro Namikoshi (1905–2000), and was derived from the ancient Japanese massage modality called anma, a Japanese style of massage which was developed in 1320 by Akashi Kan Ichi.   Anma...