Wise Women Retreat – Female Health
This all-women retreat creates a safe space for sharing and healing. We cover all areas of women’s sexual health from fertility, menstrual cycle to menopause, breast health and slowing the aging process using the food we eat, gentle exercise, breathwork and potent acupressure points.
Join us for the weekend at the beautiful Bobbio Centre, Magheramore, Co Wicklow, surrounded by mountains and the sea. The grounds are full of mature trees and paths that lead to a secluded beach perfect for a heart-expanding retreat to heal your female body, calm your mind and nourish your soul.
What’s included?
- Conscious Cooking classes to understand the relationship between food, radiant sexual health and vitality
- Delicious vegetarian meals
- Guided Chi Gong and meditation practices to nourish your elixir energy and maintain breast health
- Learn Self Shiatsu and potent acupressure points to flow energy and develop “Yin”
In a simple nurturing weekend you can understand the clear connection between our emotions, the food we choose and how it directly affects our energy and health.
Feel Well, Feel Wise – in control of your life
There are only maximum 15 participants and the single rooms are offered on a first come, first served basis. (5 left as of 03/03/2020)
Cost €395, includes all meals, cooking classes, tuition and accommodation
Amazing €50 discount each if you come with a friend, mother, daughter or another family member.
Contact joannefaulkner@live.ie or 00 353 +86 607 0432
visit https://joannefaulkner.ie/contact/ and request a full schedule including menu’s
What a wonderful mothers day gift !
Your host Joanne, author of Good Food: Better Sex, is Chairperson of the Shiatsu Society and a registered Shiatsu Practitioner who has a wealth of experience guiding retreats supporting women in developing self-care practices by understanding the connection between how you feel and the food you choose. For over 25 years she has worked by caring and supporting people making empowered choices to bring happiness, health and wellness into their lives.
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