News from Shiatsu Ireland
Tai Chi Choice and Qigong workshop with Martin Wessels (Belgium)
Sat 27th April
10am – 1pm, Theme : the 5 elements
2pm – 5pm, Theme : Chi Empowerment
An Ionad, Ré na nDoirí
Tai Chi Choice is a slow, calm, friendly and soft way of moving with exercises of great simplicity. This softness is however, misleading…It contains an enormous force which – if used correctly – will be of use in many areas of daily life. The practitioner learns to tune into feeling his lifeforce energy, to waste it less and to recharge fast. We will learn to use the available energy in a different way. Not only will we become physically more flexible but we will also become more flexible in the way we handle mental stress.
We will also learn to work with the expression ‘steel in cotton’.
This means that despite that something can look soft on the outside it can contain enormous strength and power. This will also get clear in a obvious and non-aggressive way which doesn’t require strength. So besides the earlier mentioned energy management Tai Chi Choice also has aspects that can be used in self-defence.
The 5 elements are representing the 5 phases of life. In the workshop it will become clear how we all go through the 5 elements or phases, how this is represented in nature and everywhere in and around us. You will be able to integrate the exercises but most importantly become more aware in your daily life.
This workshop will be accompanied with a DVD
Workshop Chi Empowerment – Sat 27th April 2pm – 5pm
This workshop teaches us to strenghten our Qi (energy) or more particularly our “Wei Qi” by learning very simple practical exercises that might help to protect us against threatening forces coming from outside influences. These might be virusses, bacteria, climatic conditions, harmful emotional or spiritual influences and all other possible (micro)organisms that might attack us and want to enter our body. In Chinese Medicine the Wei Qi is also known as Defensive or Protective Qi
In some ways it’s comparable to what we know as “aura”.
If it’s raining we probably protect ourselves against it by putting on a raincoat, If we take a sunbath we might protect against getting burned. We adjust in many ways to protect ourselves in ways that makes sense.
The very effective, easy to learn Qigong exercises will help to strenghten our Wei Qi and will build a strong but transparant “energycoat” that will protect us if neccesary but will not separate us in a unnatural way from anything or anybody.
Cost : Each workshop is €25 or €45 for both. To book a place text or call Frida on 083 153 3256
Martin Wessels (1957) Born and residing in the Netherlands he is the founder of Tai Chi Choice and is teaching for over 30 years. He practised Qigong (Chi Kung, working with energy) and Tai Chi Chuan (taijiquan) at various Masters. His compassion lies mostly to make the principles accessible for everyone, no matter what body shape or fitness level or age. Tai Chi Choice is absolutely unique in this field and is slowly finding its way around the world. Besides The Netherlands and Ireland he gave and gives lessons in Germany, Spain, Belgium, France and Switzerland.
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