Featured Shiatsu Practitioner: Maria Butler

Featured Shiatsu Practitioner: Maria Butler

Maria Butler is a Shiatsu Practitioner and member of the Shiatsu Society Ireland. 

Maria’s career in massage began in 1993 when she achieved a Certificate of Relaxation Massage with the Malvern School of Massage and Kinesiology in Melbourne Australia.

Maria offers her services from her business Soul to Sole in Rosslare Harbour, Wexford,  where she offers a range of holistic therapies, including Shiatsu. 

Maria has trained in a number of complementary therapies, including Diplomas in Sports Massage and Reflexology, and certificates in Hot Stone Massage and Pregnancy Massage.  She also hold a practitioner certificate in Reiki.


  • Shiatsu (Japanese massage therapy) this treatment is futon based, works on the acupuncture meridian lines of the body, fully clothed and without oils. 
  • Holistic Massage to encourage relaxation
  • Swedish Massage more vigorous to stimulate
  • A deep massage for stiff, tense and sore muscles
  • Hot Stone Massage this is extremely relaxing and very soothing while getting in deep with the stones
  • Sports Injury massage for those problem areas that seem like they will never go away
  • Pregnancy Massage to relax and relieve the tiredness and heaviness associated with pregnancy


This is a healing treatment where the earth’s energies are channelled through the hands to balance the energy of the body and encourage healing and promote good health.


This is a treatment which is usually done on the feet, but can be done on the hands. It is believed that all of the organs and systems of the body are reflected in the feet. Hence working on the feet stimulates all of the organs of the body to balance naturally. This promotes general well being and good health.

Sports Injury

Maria offer sports imjury treatment using specialised techniques to release tension in muscles following a specific injury or very localised tension or muscle spasm/strain. This helps athletics and fitness enthusiasts get back to full strength and fitness.

Jylland, Cawdor St,
Rosslare Harbour,
Co Wexford, Y35X285

Phone: 086 805 5864
Email: mariab@soultosole.ie
Web: www.soultosole.ie

Follow Maria on Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/soultosole.ie/


There are many benefits from becoming a Shiatsu Practitioner, both as a practitioner and as a client of Shiatsu.

If you are interested in becoming a Shiatsu practitioner, or if you are already, why not join the Shiatsu Society of Ireland to receive regular newsletters and update, tips from other Shiatsu Practitioners, and join us for regular meet ups and online talks to benefit your practice.




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SELF-SHIATSU: LU-10 (Yu Ji) Fish Border

SELF-SHIATSU: LU-10 (Yu Ji) Fish Border

 LU-10 (Yu Ji /Fish Border)


What are the benefits of this point?

This point has been known to reduce chest pain and clear the throat with a cooling effect.

We often forget that asthma has an effect on the throat as well, so this point is a great option to treat the entire respiratory system.

Interestingly, LU-10 is also an excellent acupressure point for snoring problem!


How to locate this point

Hold your hand facing palm up, and then locate the lower meatier part of your thumb, which is connected to your palm.

In this area, you will feel a long bone. The LU – 10 point is located mid-way up that bone. Since this area is more muscled, you can apply firm acupressure to this point to receive its cooling and healing effects!


5 Element Theory

In the Five Element theory, this point may be used to warm deficient or cold Lung qi.

Because it can benefit the throat so well, by clearing Heat, it actually benefits Lung Yin deficiency as well, so can be used for Yin deficiency Heat conditions.

Lung Yin deficiency conditions include mental agitation, tension and anxiety and physical conditions such as difficulty swallowing.

Locally, LU-10 can be used to help alleviate pain in the palm and thumb.


Self-Shiatsu -v- Shiatsu Treatment by a Practitioner

Self-Shiatsu points can alleviate different types of symptoms, and are a useful way to alleviate certain symptoms.

A Shiatsu Practitioner is fully trained and can apply their knowledge to your specific ailments or conditions, and therefore a treatment by a Shiatsu Practitioner is extremely beneficial both physically and mentally to you as a client.  This form of touch therapy is comforting, and is carried out by a highly trained professional.

If you are interested in becoming a Shiatsu Practitioner, or – if you are already – in becoming a member of the Shiatsu Society Ireland, click on the link below to read more.  The benefits of becoming a member of the Shiatsu Society Ireland include regular newsletters with great articles, information on upcoming events and workshops, and a support network with other Shiatsu practitioners in Ireland.

What are the benefits of this point?

This point has been known to reduce chest pain and clear the throat with a cooling effect.

We often forget that asthma has an effect on the throat as well, so this point is a great option to treat the entire respiratory system.

Interestingly, LU-10 is also an excellent acupressure point for snoring problem!

How to locate this point

Hold your hand facing palm up, and then locate the lower meatier part of your thumb, which is connected to your palm.

In this area, you will feel a long bone. The LU – 10 point is located mid-way up that bone. Since this area is more muscled, you can apply firm acupressure to this point to receive its cooling and healing effects!

5 Element Theory

In the Five Element theory, this point may be used to warm deficient or cold Lung qi. Because it can benefit the throat so well, by clearing Heat, it actually benefits Lung Yin deficiency as well, so can be used for Yin deficiency Heat conditions.

Lung Yin deficiency conditions include mental agitation, tension and anxiety and physical conditions such as difficulty swallowing.

Locally, LU-10 can be used to help alleviate pain in the palm and thumb.

Self-Shiatsu -v- Shiatsu Treatment by a Practitioner

Self-Shiatsu points can alleviate different types of symptoms, and are a useful way to alleviate certain symptoms.

A Shiatsu Practitioner is fully trained and can apply their knowledge to your specific ailments or conditions, and therefore a treatment by a Shiatsu Practitioner is extremely beneficial both physically and mentally to you as a client.  This form of touch therapy is comforting, and is carried out by a highly trained professional.

If you are interested in becoming a Shiatsu Practitioner, or – if you are already – in becoming a member of the Shiatsu Society Ireland, click on the link below to read more.  The benefits of becoming a member of the Shiatsu Society Ireland include regular newsletters with great articles, information on upcoming events and workshops, and a support network with other Shiatsu practitioners in Ireland.



There are many benefits from becoming a Shiatsu Practitioner, both as a practitioner and as a client of Shiatsu.

If you are interested in becoming a Shiatsu practitioner, or if you are already, why not join the Shiatsu Society of Ireland to receive regular newsletters and update, tips from other Shiatsu Practitioners, and join us for regular meet ups and online talks to benefit your practice.



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My early Shiatsu experience – Diana Cassidy

My early Shiatsu experience – Diana Cassidy

An early Shiatsu experience by Diana Cassidy

Diana Cassidy is a registered Shiatsu Practitioner  based in Cork. 

Here she recalls in a lighthearted way an early Shiatsu experience she had while doing her Shiatsu training, and how that experience resonated with her in her future practice of Shiatsu and the power of healing with touch….


“I was in my first year of Shiatsu training in London and I had booked to go as a receiver to a 3rd year student that evening.

I had been a keen horse person for most of my childhood and teenage years and the Grand National was running that day. There were 2 horses that I thought would do very well and so I went to put a bet on at the bookies.

Bear in mind that I knew absolutely nothing about betting (and still don’t). It was in 1990 and I put £1 over the counter for a bet on either horse to come in 1st or 2nd.

I was delighted to hear that one of them came in first at 7/2 on (I think). I was in for a payment of £3.50 – or so I thought. I collected my winnings of £0.75. I can’t remember the exact figures but apparently tax was deducted at source and the remainder split between each horse and each position therefore putting £0.20 per horse per position.

I was furious at my lack of knowledge and the fact that I was out of pocket.

I arrived for my treatment with the 3rd year student.

She took my info and started hara diagnosis. When she touched the liver area it felt to me like a total invasion. It was all I could do to keep from belting her one and running out.

Keep calm I told myself, she is learning.

“It’s quite tight there isn’t it?” she said.

“You’ve no idea how close to death you are…” – I replied through gritted teeth.

“Don’t worry, I’ll work on that and we’ll see what happens.” – she replied.

With that, she did liver stretches and worked for about 10 mins in total on the channel.

When she went back to check the diagnostic area again, she could have driven a tractor through it for all the difference it made.

It was a lesson on the effects of thought and relationship with qi and organ response to Shiatsu that I have never forgotten.”


Diana Cassidy is a Shiatsu practitioner based in Cork.

You can contact Diana for a Shiatsu treatment at:

Co. Cork

Tel:  087 207 0132
Email:  shiatsuireland@yahoo.com


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How I benefit from Shiatsu – A Practitioner’s viewpoint, Part 1

How I benefit from Shiatsu – A Practitioner’s viewpoint, Part 1

An interview with a Shiatsu Practitioner, Part 1

We sit down with Anna Rutkowska, a Shiatsu Practitioner from Galway to learn more about why she chose Shiatsu, and the benefits it gives her as a client, as well as a Practitioner.  You can read more about Anna or book her services HERE.

What attracted you to Shiatsu initially?

My own health issues. Complementary medicine helped me get back my balance during and after the recovery.

I loved how gentle yet powerful Shiatsu is. I signed for a foundation course and after the weekend I loved it even more to the point I’ve decided to become a practitioner.

What is the main benefit of a Shiatsu treatment, in your opinion?

Reconnection with self. It’s easy to lose the connection between the body and mind, and we are both- physical and spiritual beings, we need that connection. 

Shiatsu gives this space to process what’s going on in our lives and just let go of what doesn’t suit us. It helps us understand feelings and the relationship between our emotions and how the physical body responds.

What other holistic or wellness practices do you think complement Shiatsu, and do you offer these yourself?

All the holistic therapies can be useful to meet the wide spectrum of our client’s needs. I am also a Health and Wellness coach and holistic facialist.

My field of interest is Women’s Health, and because of that I chose to add natural skincare to my offer.

H&W coaching is very useful if the client feels stuck and has difficulty making long lasting lifestyle changes. Combined with Shiatsu they make a perfect combination.

Has becoming a Shiatsu practitioner helped you (mentally/physically or both) in your daily life?  Describe how Shiatsu has been of benefit to your wellbeing.

Definitely yes! I am more aware of my strengths and weaknesses. I can spot the early symptoms of imbalance and prevent it from getting serious.

Before I became a shiatsu practitioner I didn’t know my limits. Now I know when my body and mind are trying to tell me to slow down, take care of myself, and I am listening to them 😉

How do YOU as a practitioner feel when receiving a Shiatsu treatment?

Deeply relaxed, reconnected and very calm. There is no tension, no worries. I feel Zen.



There are many benefits from becoming a Shiatsu Practitioner, both as a practitioner and as a client of Shiatsu.

If you are interested in becoming a Shiatsu practitioner, or if you are already, why not join the Shiatsu Society of Ireland to receive regular newsletters and update, tips from other Shiatsu Practitioners, and join us for regular meet ups and online talks to benefit your practice.



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A Shiatsu Practitioner’s experience of Shiatsu in the workplace since Covid 19 began

A Shiatsu Practitioner’s experience of Shiatsu in the workplace since Covid 19 began

A Shiatsu Practitioner’s experience of Shiatsu in the workplace since Covid 19 began

– by Patricia O’Hanlon, Shiatsu Practitioner

“The most common health challenges that I come across while working with individuals or groups are anxiety and stress. The anxiety is mainly related to the uncertainty about how the future will unfold since the pandemic began. How clients react to their anxiety can either increase it or decrease it. Some find themselves straying away from their usual healthy foods while others are drinking more alcohol as a way to cope with the extra stress.

How Shiatsu can help anxiety

For everyday anxiety, I find that gentle Shiatsu work on the head, along the Governing Vessel clears and relaxes the mind. We then do some focused breathing techniques and some movement exercises which can be used between sessions or classes. I also have a ‘to-do’ list for the month. There is a specific task for each day of the month and these repeat every month.

I have found that the stress that presents most often with my clients is with relationships. During Covid lockdowns, work, home and childcare arrangements have been disrupted and it can be very difficult to retain harmony or optimism within the family.

Where possible, individual Shiatsu bodywork treatments take the pressure off clients and relieves this built-up anxiety. Some clients are not open to bodywork, but love energising and relaxation exercises as well as guided visualisation and meditations.

In a group setting, it is possible to demonstrate how stress tightens the body and the joints, and I always like to include five element information, stretches, foods etc. I have a resource table with appropriate books and objects related to the topic of the day and participants love to browse and ask questions.

As Shiatsu practitioners, we have been forced to change our practices due to Covid, and many of these changes have been positive.”

About the Author


Patricia O’Hanlon is a qualified practitioner of Shiatsu, Rejuvenating Face & Head Massage and Health & Life Coaching.

She trained as a practitioner and teacher of Metamorphic Technique with Gaston Saint Pierre, the founder of the technique, and is an IIHS qualified Instructor of The Vimala Alphabet (International Institute of handwriting Studies).

Contact Patricia

Mobile: 087 632 4154     Email: patriciakinect@gmail.com


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