Free Shiatsu Swap – 8th June 2019

Free Shiatsu Swap – 8th June 2019

Free Shiatsu Class & Swap

Free to All Shiatsu Practitioners

Saturday, 8 June 2019 from 11:00-16:00

Heytesbury St, Wood Quay, Dublin

Even if you are not a member of the society, but you practice Shiatsu this is an opportunity to meet members, have a chat and swap experiences and treatments.

The morning will begin with a skills workshop 11-1 pm demonstrating new stretches from 3 practitioners.

Cindy from will teach us the stretch in the photograph above to release and stretch the fascia.

Tricia from will teach us a shoulder opener and release stretch

Joanne from will teach emotional trauma release points

Learn these new techniques on each other to enhance your practice

Places are limited – book now, avoid disappointment.

1-2pm a chance to swap lunch and experiences

2-4.00 time to relax, receive and swap shiatsu with each other

Places are limited to the first 10 who contact me on 086 607 0432 or to book a space

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Featured Practitioner – Julien Joly


To Julien, an important aspect of Zen Shiatsu is about making contact with another,
a way to communicate non-verbally and through a touch that says I see you with my
heart and with my hara (intuition centre) with empathy and without judgment.

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Emma Fitzpatrick


I aim to offer presence to my clients, a space of acceptance and ease so that they feel free to trust, deepen and release and emerge free to express their individual and authentic selves!

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Are you a Shiatsu Practitioner?

Are you a Shiatsu Practitioner?

Are you a Shiatsu Practitioner?

If YES – reserve your space at the Mind Body Experience

RDS Dublin 17,18 & 19th May 2019

Following on from the super experience at the Cork Mind Body Experience – the Shiatsu Society Stand will be traveling to Dublin for the Mind-Body Experience (17,18,19 May) in the RDS Dublin.  This is an excellent opportunity to promote your Shiatsu Practice and Shiatsu in general to 1000’s of people over the weekend. Shiatsu Practitioners who attended Cork said it was “a day they would never forget” and two farmers from Kerry said “that was amazing” after receiving Chair Shiatsu at the Shiatsu Society Stand.It’s free for Society members to promote themselves and offer paid treatments. Some slots have been taken for the Saturday and Sunday but I have some remaining especially for Saturday. Let me know with the form below, when you would like to attend.  Email me below saying Saturday or Sunday – am or pm – you can do it all if you like :). It’s free to attend so please bring friends and family for a super day out full of health and well being. Don’t forget to promote the event on your own Facebook and social media. Here’s the link to the event so you can see all the speakers and stall holders There will be a massage table and chair for you to give treatments and you will keep the money charged.  You can chat with people and give out your flyers or the Shiatsu Society will give you flyers to add your details onto. Looking forward to seeing you there

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Featured Practitioner – Julien Joly


To Julien, an important aspect of Zen Shiatsu is about making contact with another,
a way to communicate non-verbally and through a touch that says I see you with my
heart and with my hara (intuition centre) with empathy and without judgment.

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Emma Fitzpatrick


I aim to offer presence to my clients, a space of acceptance and ease so that they feel free to trust, deepen and release and emerge free to express their individual and authentic selves!

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Tai Chi Choice and Qigong workshop with Martin Wessels (Belgium)

Tai Chi Choice and Qigong workshop with Martin Wessels (Belgium)

News from Shiatsu Ireland

Tai Chi Choice and Qigong workshop with Martin Wessels (Belgium)

Sat 27th April

10am – 1pm, Theme : the 5 elements

2pm – 5pm, Theme : Chi Empowerment

An Ionad, Ré na nDoirí

Tai Chi Choice is a slow, calm, friendly and soft way of moving with exercises of great simplicity. This softness is however, misleading…It contains an enormous force which – if used correctly – will be of use in many areas of daily life. The practitioner learns to tune into feeling his lifeforce energy, to waste it less and to recharge fast. We will learn to use the available energy in a different way. Not only will we become physically more flexible but we will also become more flexible in the way we handle mental stress.

We will also learn to work with the expression ‘steel in cotton’.

This means that despite that something can look soft on the outside it can contain enormous strength and power. This will also get clear in a obvious and non-aggressive way which doesn’t require strength. So besides the earlier mentioned energy management Tai Chi Choice also has aspects that can be used in self-defence.

The 5 elements are representing the 5 phases of life. In the workshop it will become clear how we all go through the 5 elements or phases, how this is represented in nature and everywhere in and around us. You will be able to integrate the exercises but most importantly become more aware in your daily life.

This workshop will be accompanied with a DVD

Workshop Chi Empowerment – Sat 27th April 2pm – 5pm

This workshop teaches us to strenghten our Qi (energy) or more particularly our “Wei Qi” by learning very simple practical exercises that might help to protect us against threatening forces coming from outside influences. These might be virusses, bacteria, climatic conditions, harmful emotional or spiritual influences and all other possible (micro)organisms that might attack us and want to enter our body. In Chinese Medicine the Wei Qi  is also known as  Defensive or Protective Qi

In some ways it’s comparable to what we know as “aura”.
If it’s raining we probably protect ourselves against it by putting on a raincoat, If we take a sunbath we might protect against getting burned.  We adjust in many ways to protect ourselves in ways that makes sense.
The very effective, easy to learn Qigong exercises  will help to strenghten our Wei Qi and will build a strong but transparant  “energycoat” that will protect us if neccesary but will not separate us in a unnatural way from anything or anybody.

 Cost : Each workshop is €25 or €45  for both. To book a place text or call Frida on 083 153 3256

Martin Wessels (1957) Born and residing in the Netherlands he is the founder of Tai Chi Choice and is teaching for over 30 years. He practised Qigong (Chi Kung, working with energy) and Tai Chi Chuan (taijiquan) at various Masters. His compassion lies mostly to make the principles accessible for everyone, no matter what body shape or fitness level or age. Tai Chi Choice is absolutely unique in this field and is slowly finding its way around the world. Besides The Netherlands and Ireland he gave and gives lessons in Germany, Spain, Belgium, France and Switzerland.

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Featured practitioner – Siobhan Kirk


Are You Breathing? Sounds like a silly question on the surface, but over the past few years this has been a phrase that automatically

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Featured Practitioner – Julien Joly


To Julien, an important aspect of Zen Shiatsu is about making contact with another,
a way to communicate non-verbally and through a touch that says I see you with my
heart and with my hara (intuition centre) with empathy and without judgment.

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Emma Fitzpatrick


I aim to offer presence to my clients, a space of acceptance and ease so that they feel free to trust, deepen and release and emerge free to express their individual and authentic selves!

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Featured practitioner – Siobhan Kirk

Featured practitioner – Siobhan Kirk


Featured Practitioner, Siobhan Kirk

Siobhan Kirk

Are You Breathing?

Sounds like a silly question on the surface, but over the past few years this has been a phrase that automatically pops into my head, be it while I’m working with a client, walking the dog, or just washing the dishes.

‘Breath is the bridge which connects life to consciousness, which unties your body to your thoughts’.  – Thich Nhat Hanh

I distinctly remember the first time I was asked this question.  I was in my first year at Shiatsu college, working with a fellow student in class. I became aware of our tutor beside me as I worked.  ‘Are you breathing Siobhan?’ he gently asked.  At first I thought, what a bizarre question, of course I’m breathing! But I suddenly realised, I had been holding my breath. That moment of realisation has always resonated with me, because I wasn’t even aware of it; I had been holding my breath, a lot in life come to think of it, well through anything challenging shall we say.  I began to take notice of this most essential of bodily functions, one most of us take for granted to be fair.

I wanted to share with you that memory because it was a sort of a turning point for me in my life.  I realised that I had lost my sense of self awareness.  I think in this age of technology and busy school runs and after school swimming or music lessons, a lot of us are not really that aware of what’s going on inside us or around us for that matter.  But of course, we can also subconsciously put up a block at times, so as not to acknowledge what’s happening in the here and now, especially if that’s something which causes us pain or upset.

‘I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.’ – Carl Jung

I believe that becoming conscious, truly making that shift and beginning that journey within ourselves, is transformational.  It’s not easy; we’ve all experienced difficulties throughout life, even traumas.  It can be more than a little intimidating and even scary to touch on those thoughts or memories that might bring up any hurt or pain.  However, If we truly want to move forward, we must bring all our ‘stuff’ to the surface or air the laundry.

Dissociation is common for anyone who has suffered trauma. It can become the ‘go to’ when faced with an uncomfortable situation or for anyone who has experienced chronic trauma, it might be a part of everyday life.

Dissociationis being disconnected from the here and now. … When people are dissociating, theydisconnect from their surroundings, which can stop the trauma memories and lower fear, anxiety and shame. Dissociation can happenduring the trauma or later when thinking about or being reminded of the trauma.

‘Integrating and reclaiming dissociated and disowned aspects of the personality is largely dependent on constructing a cohesive narrative, which allows for the assimilation of emotional, cognitive, and physiological realities.’ – Rev. Sheri Heller LCSW

We’re a culture that likes fast service, we want it now, like pulling up to the drive through and ordering our fast food (Its faster to go in I think!).  But taking time, doing what works for you, constructing that cohesive narrative can happen gently, and over time, through awareness.  I don’t think it’s a one size fits all, you can work on bringing back that awareness whatever way suits the person.   Some people might like to sit and meditate for an hour, some might like to walk in nature every day, some might like to receive body work, or some might like to pray.

‘Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.’ – Carl Jung

I do believe that you can transform your thoughts and actions with time.  Transition can happen gently, subconsciously and have the most profound effect on your life. You can spend a fortune on gym memberships, makeup and clothes, but its all wasted if you don’t address what’s going on inside too. Repressed thoughts and emotions will show themselves in some way eventually, they’ll find a way to get your attention by showing up in a physical form.

For me, Shiatsu has been my life line.  I can’t say enough good things about it.  Shiatsu cannot really be explained, not really.  It is to be experienced.  Explanations range from ‘It’s similar to acupressure, acupuncture, finger pressure.’  But the real explanation comes when the practitioner put their hands on you, and you receive Shiatsu for the first time.  For me, it has begun the journey to conscious awareness and self-acceptance.

‘Remember, as long as you are breathing, its never too late to start a new beginning.’ – Dalai Lama

Siobhan Kirk worked in medical administration in New York and Dublin for over fifteen years before becoming a stay at home parent in Dundalk Co. Louth.

After a time, Siobhan completed her three-year training to become a Shiatsu Practitioner and graduated from Shiatsu College Dublin in 2016. She is now a Registered Practitioner with the Shiatsu Society of Ireland.

She has also recently completed her training to become a meditation and mindfulness teacher for children, teens, and children with special needs through the Connected Kids® training programme.

You can contact Siobhan through her Facebook page: Zen Shiatsu Dundalk or by visiting her website

Please Share with everyone!

“Shiatsu cannot really be explained, not really.  It is to be experienced.  Explanations range from ‘It’s similar to acupressure, acupuncture, finger pressure.’  But the real explanation comes when the practitioner put their hands on you, and you receive Shiatsu for the first time. ”
Shiatsu Society of Ireland Sept 2018 © Patrick Birdgeman WEB-13
“How to describe Shiatsu? It is love and self-acceptance. It is empathy and space to be yourself. It is possible for anyone to find true healing within themselves with Shiatsu. That is my belief.”
Shiatsu Society of Ireland Sept 2018 © Patrick Birdgeman WEB-8
“My passion for Shiatsu is as strong as ever and I’m excited to continue to explore, learn and develop my skills for as long as the universe allows!”
Shiatsu Society of Ireland Sept 2018 © Patrick Birdgeman WEB-6

My Cancer Journey – Shiatsu with Tricia

My Cancer Journey – Shiatsu with Tricia

My Cancer Journey – Shiatsu with Tricia

Taken from the blog – My Cancer Journey – visit the website and take the journey with Tricia

“Take a shower, wash off the day. Drink a glass of water.

Make the room dark. Lie down and close your eyes.
Notice the silence. Notice your heart. Still beating. Still fighting.

You made it, after all. You made it, another day.

And you can make it one more. 
You’re doing just fine.” 
― Charlotte Eriksson

Healing choices are for each and every individual to decide on.

Before I begin to recall my alternative journey, I must stress I do not have a cure for cancer. What I do have is a determination, belief and will to find MY cure.

Ironically after so much research, I came across a wonderful website last week, that basically has all the information that took me 30 months to find. It is a fantastic read. I am not encouraging any of you to take my chosen route but for those of you who are researching and contemplating it, this website is brilliant,

If you are at the beginning of your journey ask someone you know who has an interest in your health and the time to help with your research, be it the conventional or alternative route, or both.  I know when I started my journey it was difficult to take in all the information in and still is to this day

It is important for me to tell you that never once and I mean never once did any of the alternative therapists or people I met ever say they had a cure for cancer. The truth is that some of them treated me for nothing, yes, I said, nothing, no money.

You will find no anger from me going forward, hopefully. Maybe the odd rant about the proposed Bill being brought forward by a Fine Gael TD Kate O’Connell to prosecute alternative therapists who claim they can help cancer patients. I don’t think I can put the proposed Bill to the back of my mind just yet, so please sign and share and share again as it is essential that the freedom of choice is available to us all.

My cancer was diagnosed in August 2016 and my alternative journey started on 19th September of the same year.

I have tried and will continue to experiment with many different protocols. They all offered me something, some more than others. I am very open to experimentation. especially if it makes me feel good.  Some of the treatments were/are pleasurable, some, were/are challenging but not many. Lots are time-consuming and very few, awful.

From my initial research one of the biggest things that hit me first was, cancer cannot live where there is oxygen.  So, to me it was obvious, get oxygen quick, whilst I did more research.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy involves breathing oxygen in a pressurised chamber in which atmospheric pressure is raised up to three times higher than normal, so to me that means my lungs get 3 times more oxygen.

Do whatever you can to stop the cancer spreading, so on Monday 19th September 2016 I entered an oxygen chamber for the first time to attend  2 treatments a day for the next 5 days and then 1 treatment weekly.

I received oxygen for at least 18 months, maybe more.

I would recommend it highly and if you don’t trust me, trust the Doctors.

Cancer cannot thrive where there is oxygen,

Oxygen Deficiency and Disease
Dr. Otto Warburg Two-time Nobel Laureate
Winner of two Nobel Prizes for Cancer Research in the mid-1930’s.
“Cancer has only one prime cause. It is the replacement of normal oxygen respiration of the cells of the body by an anaerobic (i.e., oxygen-deficient) cell respiration”.

 Dr. F.M. Eugene Blasse Ph.D., author “Oxygen Therapy: It’s Foundation Aim  & Results”
“Oxidation Is the source of life. Its lack causes impaired health or disease, its cessation, death,”

Dr. Stephen Levin, Renowned Molecular Biologist, and Geneticist Author, Oxygen Deficiency: A Concomitant to All Degenerative Illness” “In all serious disease states we find a concomitant low oxygen state. Low oxygen in the body tissues is a sure indicator for disease… Hypoxia, or lack of oxygen in the tissues, is the fundamental cause for all degenerative disease.“Oxygen Is the source of life to all cells.”

Dr. John Muntz, Nutritional Scientist “Starved of oxygen the body will become ill, and if this persists, it will die. I doubt if there is an argument about that.

Dr. W. Spencer Way, from the Journal of the American Association of Physicians
“Insufficient oxygen means insufficient biological energy that can result in anything from mild fatigue to life-threatening disease. The link between insufficient oxygen and disease has now been firmly established”.

Dr. Harry Goldblatt, Journal of Experimental Medicine

“Lack of oxygen clearly plays a major role in causing cells to become cancerous.”

  Dr. Arthur C. Guyton, M.D., author “The Textbook on Medical Physiology”
“All chronic pain, suffering and diseases are caused by a lack of oxygen at the cell level.”

 Dr. Wendell Hendricks, Hendricks Research Foundation
“Cancer is a Condition within the body where the oxidation has become so depleted that the body cells have degenerated beyond physiological control. Similarly, the true cause of allergy is lowered oxidation process within the body, causing the affected individual to be sensitive to foreign substances entering the body. Only when the oxidation mechanism is restored to its original highest state of efficiency can the sensitivity be eliminated.”

Dr. Albert Wahl
“Simply put, disease Is due to a deficiency in the oxidation process of the body, leading to an accumulation of toxins. These toxins would ordinarily be burned in normal metabolic functioning.”

Dr. Parris M. Kidd, Ph.D. author, “Antioxidant Adaptation
“Oxygen plays a pivotal role in the proper functioning of the Immune system.”


My experience with oxygen was a success. How I came to that conclusion was simple. 3 months before I got my diagnosis, I was extremely breathless. Now I am back to doing whatever I please with breath to spare.

I met so many lovely people in the chamber with wonderful success stories.

I really enjoyed my time in the chamber, on with the headphones and zone out.The only downside I found with oxygen was I was tired for the first few months and very, very hungry. A small price to pay for great benefits.

Some weeks I actually miss it and I know if I had a chamber closer, spare time and extra cash, I would make it my weekly treat.

Now I rely on my very own Blood Oxygen Saturation & Heart Rate Monitor to check my oxygen levels, a beautiful gift from a wonderful person.

There are many articles written about HBOT, some glowing, some not so glowing.

I know it helped me greatly and I met a lot of people in the chamber who hold the same view as me.

It is also worth noting that HBOT can assist whilst undergoing chemotherapy and radiation. I believe this should be an add-on to conventional medicine to help with the healing process,

I am including a few interesting articles about Hyperbaric Oxygen as I am shocked that I never knew about this wonderful treatment up until September 2016.

My lesson learnt is: I am a very shallow breather and it took a diagnosis of cancer to instil in me the importance of breathing.
Learn how to breath deeply now.

“and I wonder if Beethoven held his breath
the first time his fingers touched the keys
the same way a soldier holds his breath
the first time his finger clicks the trigger.
We all have different reasons for forgetting to breathe.” 
― Andrea Gibson…/breath-of-fresh-air-for-the-ill-1.1038572…/hyperbaric-oxygen-therapy-what-is-it-1.1038575…herapy/about/pac-20394380

Below are links to the chambers I am aware of in Ireland and Northern Ireland. I believe but I am not 100% sure that in certain circumstances you can be referred by your Doctor/Specialist.








This blog contains my opinions, my journey and some of my research details. It is not in any way a substitute for the readers own medical advisor. I am not a medical Doctor.  I disclaim all responsibility for injury, damage or loss to anyone that reads this and follows any or similar protocols mentioned.

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Featured Practitioner – Julien Joly


To Julien, an important aspect of Zen Shiatsu is about making contact with another,
a way to communicate non-verbally and through a touch that says I see you with my
heart and with my hara (intuition centre) with empathy and without judgment.

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Emma Fitzpatrick


I aim to offer presence to my clients, a space of acceptance and ease so that they feel free to trust, deepen and release and emerge free to express their individual and authentic selves!

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Featured Practitioner – Claire Haugh


For Claire, Yoga, Shiatsu and Breathwork are a perfect “trinity” – each enhances wellbeing. With the addition of Tantra she offers many ways to connect body, mind and spirit; take a look at Claire Haugh’s Practice – “HeartSpace”

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